Sustainability Forums
21st Sustainability Forum
Sustainable action is central to making the economy future-proof and internationally competitive in the 21st century. But where do we currently stand, and what do the future perspectives look like?
20th Sustainability Forum
At the 20th Sustainability Forum of HWR Berlin, industry representatives, scientists, and emerging leaders publicly discussed economic future solutions on November 9, 2020.
19th Sustainability Forum
"Democracy and Sustainability": Around 230 interested participants discussed this topic at the 19th Sustainability Forum of HWR Berlin on November 4. Robert Habeck, Federal Chairman of the Green Party, was a guest.
18th Sustainability Forum
Sustainable business practices in the digitalized world was the topic of the 18th Sustainability Forum. During the forum, the former director of the Institute for Sustainability (INa) was farewelled.
17th Sustainability Forum
This year, the Institute for Sustainability participated in the Global Climate Change Week with its own "Climate Change Action Night" and a climate simulation game at the HWR Berlin Lichtenberg campus. The 17th Sustainability Forum was held under the theme "Global Climate Change Action Night: Challenges and Solutions in the Fight Against Climate Change." Around 150 participants discussed who can contribute what to the cause, with businesses and associations leading the discussion.
16th Sustainability Forum
On June 20, 2017, the time had come again for the 16th Sustainability Forum of the Institute for Sustainability at HWR (INa) in cooperation with the Society for Sustainability e.V. to take place at HWR Berlin. This time, the focus was on the perception of sustainability brands and the balancing act between niche, credibility, and enthusiasm that arises in brand management.
15th Sustainability Forum
On November 30, 2016, the 15th Sustainability Forum of the Institute for Sustainability at HWR (INa), in cooperation with the Society for Sustainability e.V., took place. The central theme was the evaluation of corporate sustainability, based on the eponymous publication by Prof. Dr. Anja Grothe. During the event, various authors of the book presented different self-assessment models and their objectives. The aim was to find a "middle ground between complexity and simplicity to meet the demands of both businesses and science," as Grothe explained.
14th Sustainability
Under the theme "Finding and Retaining Employees through CSR," the 14th Sustainability Forum took place on May 11, 2016. The results of the research project "MitCSR" were presented, which explored, among other things, how Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) impacts employees or could potentially do so.
13th Sustainability Forum
Under the motto "Sustainable Mobility – Contributions and Limits of Technical Solutions," with a focus on behavior and urban planning, the 13th Sustainability Forum took place on November 12, 2015. For the forum, INa and the Society for Sustainability e.V. were able to secure two renowned experts in transportation and environmental sciences to speak on the topic. Oliver Schwedes, Head of the Integrated Transport Planning Department at the Institute of Land and Sea Transport at the Technical University of Berlin. Lars Mönch, Specialist Advisor for Pollutant Reduction and Energy Savings in Transport at the German Federal Environment Agency in Berlin.
12th Sustainability Forum and 1st INa - Award
The focus of the 12th Sustainability Forum in 2015 was on the efforts of the German capital to promote responsible and sustainable actions. In interactive workshops, participants were given a closer look at the complex topic from various perspectives. The opening and introduction were held by the Vice President of HWR, Prof. Dr. Friederike Maier, followed by Christian Gaebler, State Secretary for Transport and Environment, and Henrik Vagt, Head of the Environment and Energy Department at the Berlin Chamber of Commerce. A highlight of the event was the interactive workshops: - Energy Transition in Berlin: Prof. Dr. Holger Rogall - Green Entrepreneurs: Prof. Dr. Anja Grothe - Sustainability Bottom Up: Prof. Dr. Silke Bustamante Another highlight was the awarding of the INa Sustainability Award, which was presented for the first time in 2015. Bachelor’s and Master’s graduates of HWR, who had particularly focused on sustainability in their theses, were eligible to apply. A panel of experts from HWR professors and external professionals selected the top three works. The event was moderated by Prof. Dr. Carsten Baumgarth, with jury members including: - Prof. Dr. Kerstin Wüstner (HWR-Berlin, FB 3) - Dr. Gerd Scholl (IÖW - Head of Research Area on Corporate Management and Consumption) - Dr. Katharina Reuter (Managing Director, Bundesverband UnternehmensGrün e.V.)
11th Sustainability Forum
Under the title "Corporate Responsibility – Sustainability in the Value Chain," the 11th Sustainability Forum took place at HWR Berlin on November 26. The event addressed questions such as: How far does responsibility extend in the value chain? What are the expectations of society, consumers, and politics? What obstacles and risks do companies face? The forum was moderated by Prof. Dr. Anja Grothe and Prof. Dr. Silke Bustamante. The speaker were: - Hendrik Heuermann (H&M Human Resources Department): "Sustainability Management at H&M: From Production Offices to Raw Materials and the Conscious Collection?" - Yoriko Rach-Bachmann (GIZ): "CSR along International Supply Chains" - Maria Blume (Medion CSR Management): "Supplier Management at Medion AG" - Sebastian Siegele (Sustainability Agents SUSA GmbH): "A Way Out of the Social Standards Trap: Supply Chain Dialogue"
10th Sustainability Forum
The 10th Sustainability Forum took place under the theme "The Exit of Homo Oeconomicus – A New Image of Humanity for Economics." The discussion was opened by Holger Rogall, who gave a keynote address presenting the current state of the discussion on the concept of humanity in sustainable economics. In a moderated panel discussion, the topic was explored in greater depth by the invited guests: Gisela Kubon-Gilke (EH Darmstadt), Felix Ekardt (University of Rostock), Wolf-Dieter Hasenclever (Baltic College Schwerin), and Christine Lacher (HAW Hamburg). The moderation was done by Prof. Dr. Anja Grothe.
9th Sustainability Forum
The 9th Sustainability Forum took place under the guiding theme "Sustainable Market Economy: Transforming Capitalism Sustainably" and focused on the perspectives of a sustainable market economy as an alternative to our current economic system. The speakers, Dr. Dr. Franz Josef Radermacher, Professor at the University of Ulm and member of the Club of Rome, and former BMU State Secretary Michael Müller, discussed the question of how the "great transformation" to a sustainable economic system can succeed.
8th Sustainability Forum
The 8th Sustainability Forum focused on the theme "End or Turnaround of Economics – Natural Resources as the Most Important Production Factor of the Future," examining the future of traditional economic theory. The questions discussed included: What alternatives can and must sustainable economics offer? What future prospects does this sustainable economy have? And what tools are needed to reshape economic reality in its favor?
7th Sustainability Forum
The 7th Sustainability Forum at HWR Berlin was held under the theme "Rio +20." The event centered around presentations by Prof. Dr. Cleber J. C. Dutra and Dr. Edgar Göll, who provided an overview of the current global sustainability process. A subsequent discussion further explored the content and insights shared by the speakers.
6th Sustainability Forum
The 6th Sustainability Forum, held under the theme "End or Turnaround of Economics – The Growth Question," discussed the future of the growth paradigm supported by all traditional schools of economics. In this context, Niko Paech explained the fundamentals of the post-growth society.
5th Sustainability Forum
The 5th Sustainability Forum focused on the theme "Strategies of the Green New Deal." The term "Green New Deal" refers to concepts for an ecological shift in the economic system. The forum discussed how the direction for the future can and must be set.
4th Sustainability Forum
The 4th Sustainability Forum was titled "Green Capitalism – Future or Illusion?". It explored whether "Green Capitalism" could be the solution to the crisis and create globally fair opportunities, while still adhering to the principles of exponential growth and short-term profit maximization.
3rd Sustainability Forum
The 3rd Sustainability Forum, under the theme "Sustainable Economics – A Turning Point in Economic Thinking," explored the question of what alternatives exist to the current economic model and what role efficiency and consistency strategies can play in this context.
2nd Sustainability Forum
The 2nd Sustainability Forum, under the theme "Energy Transition – Global and Regional Perspectives on Sustainable Urban Development," discussed the following questions, among others: - How can large cities and rural or small-town regions work together constructively? - What goals can be achieved, and how can the goal of the energy transition be implemented more quickly through regional cooperation?
1st Sustainability Forum
The 1st Sustainability Forum, under the theme "Sustainable Growth or Turbo-Capitalism?", explored whether there is a path between the two alternatives: Sustainable growth that respects the limits of natural carrying capacity while still ensuring the provision of goods, social security, and job stability.